This research was carried out to obtain in-depth knowledge about the sociodemographic characteristics of young people who are using synthetic cannabinoids, the reasons for this use, and what they experience afterwards. The study was conducted between June and August of 2016 with six young people 25 and under who use synthetic cannabinoids and live in central Aydın. The research began with a person in this age group and through the snowball technique reached others who also used synthetic cannabinoids. In the study, the in-depth interview technique was used to collect data, and the descriptive analysis technique was used to analyze the qualitative data. As a data-collection tool, a semi-structured interview form consisting of 10 questions was used. Each question was prepared in order to obtain different data. The study found that the youths had started using synthetic cannabinoids in early adolescence, their families generally had good levels of education and income, and they used other addictive substances besides this. Youths were found to have weak and negative family relationships in general, not thought of treatment, and lack knowledge and awareness this substance’s danger. Determining youths’ reasons for using synthetic cannabinoids, and what they experience before, during, and after use is thought able to lead to initiatives preventing the use of this and similar substances.
Citation: Adıbelli, D., Saçan, S., & Çelebi, İ. (2017). The use of synthetic cannabinoids among youths and related factors. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 4, 7–39.