ADDICTA: The Turkish Journal on Addictions
Book Reviews

Substance-Abusing Parents and Their Children from a “Family Illness” perspective: Dynamics and Treatment


Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Sosyal Hizmet Bölümü, Samsun

Addicta 2018; 5: 599-601
DOI: 10.15805/addicta.2018.5.3.0035R
Read: 1009 Downloads: 494 Published: 01 October 2018

Atıf: Karaman, H. (2018). Madde kullanan ebeveynler ve “aile hastalığı” perspektifinden çocukları: Dinamikler ve tedavi teklifleri [Review of the book Children of substance-abusing parents: Dynamics and treatment, by S. L. A. Straussner & C. H. Fewell]. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 5, 599‒601.

ISSN 2148-7286 EISSN 2149-1305